Dr When Chapter 2

When I wrote 'Dr When' I conceived it as a short story. My BFF Jack wanted to know more which got me thinking now i'm down the rabbit hole and three chapters in. So technically this is the fourth or fifth unfinished work I've made a start on. One day i'll find the time to finish them. I need to channel Jack White and "..Be like the Squirrel, (Girl), Be like the Squirrel...'

FYI - I hate the Title 'Dr When', its obviously a poor joke. I'm open to suggestions. 

The Scientist, having journeyed from the time of the internet, it turned out,  much to his equal measure of disgust and relief was pretty adept at fellatio.  The first mouthful of ejaculate caught him by surprise and he vomited on the ground beside him. The legionnaire didn't seem to care and gave him a wink as he put his dick away. After that The Scientist began to read his charges body language and was able to direct the spunk onto his face at the last minute.  The subsequent legionnaires didn't seem too bothered.

He was on his fourth or fifth cock, knowing he was near the end of the queue, hoping that after this they'd leave him be, to come to terms with himself, when he noticed a raucous of barking, shouting and determinable sound. As the barks got louder his man pulled out and dived for his discarded kit. The cacophony was full blown now and the scientist got up off his knees in time to hear a roar that hit a sensor in his brain that pumped adrenaline into his blood at levels previously unknown to him. He turned around to see that not far away a fifteen foot grizzly bear seemed to be literally tearing its way through Romans. A pack of dogs were worrying it, nipping at its feet almost steering the bear around the camp.

Everything about the scene said ‘flight!’. The Romans who weren't already shredded had formed a wall shields linked, spears out.  The whole unit was coming together into the a well drilled battle formation.

The Scientist, for the minute, was apparently  left alone; He ran. He ran, instinctively choosing the direction which was the opposite to the bear.

A legionnaire saw him run and was about to launch his javelin at him when The Centurion checked him. ‘Save your spear corporal. we're about to be attacked.’

There was a short whistle and the pack of dogs dissipated into the bush. The bear seemed to hesitate in it's stride and that's when the front of the shield wall dropped and the ranks behind launched their short javelins into the bear and that's when the Britons attacked, ferocious screams following a volley of spears.

The scientist was tempted to look back as he reached the tree line but decided against it. Part of him wanted to yelp with joy from the sensation of being alive, the adrenaline still very much causing through his veins. He decided against that as well. As he slowed to a trot, as the bush got denser, he had sudden realisation that his plans and his dreams may not be as simple to achieve as he had first planned.

As the energy finally drained from his muscles,  The Scientist suddenly had the dreadful realisation that he'd escaped death but for how long; the forest was getting dark, with that the heat of the day waned, he was naked, alone and hungry. It started to rain.

Things were not going to plan. He wasn't entirely naive. He had suspected some discomfort. By now he had hoped to have found a sharp rock, the right kind of tree for making a twine, made a small shelter, laid some snares and lit a small fire.  

Now, any light which the day had had left had been totally absorbed by the forest. His surroundings became murky shapes. He was weighing up his options as he tripped into a bramble landing face down in the briar.

It was the final straw he started to cry. His sobs being drowned out by the ambience of full force of nature around him. He curled up on the ground sheer exhaustion taking its toll and he fell asleep.  

He awoke, for a second his mind had hoped it had all been a wicked dream but then the agony hit him. His body was freezing and damp with dew, every muscle ached. His teeth chattered as he became acutely aware of the stinging the bramble bush had given him. Just on the edge of his awareness almost pushed to the back of his mind was the thought that there was a certain crustiness on his face. He sat up. Slowly stretching and massaging his calfs. ‘It can't get much worse than this.’ he thought and with that thought came a new motivation; to live.

He lay still and tuned into his environment. The rain with it's white noise had stopped, at first he thought the forest was silent but then became acutely aware of the subtleties of his aural vicinity. Various insects chirped and chirruped, somewhere in the distance an owl called, something small scratched around in a bush not far from his legs and very faintly he heard the sweet chimes which could only be running water.  

He instinctively crawled towards it and was rewarded, after not too long, with the smallest of streams. He sniffed at it and decided that it was clean enough and buried his face in the comparatively icy water. He drank deeply. He washed his face and body washing away as best he could the dirt of the previous day.  He started to shiver with the cold of the water on and in him, cooling his core temperature. Somehow, he mused, he’d never felt so alive.  

He got up cautiously and stretched bouncing up and down to stay warm. His stomach rumbled and he remembered the brambles he'd fallen into. He carefully picked his way through the wood and was rewarded with his bramble bush. The bramble had claimed a clearing around a fallen tree and the occasional moonlight shone through the gap in the canopy to reveal that the bramble was in fruit.  By the dappled moonlight he was unable to distinguish between the ripe and unripe fruit but learnt very quickly that he could it by touch.

As the morning broke on the Scientist and the sunrise began to warm the day he had taken his fill of blackberries. He wondered whether he ought to return to the village and see what he could find.  Some clothes and a sharp blade would be invaluable. Finally he realised that he was in no fit state to risk meeting anyone else. The world, in his new now, was brutal and he needed to be equipped for it.  He needed to proceed with his plan and accelerate toward what he thought of as stage two; The Wizard.

Source: short story, serialisation, new author, ...