Chapter 13 The Young Prefect

The Young Prefect couldn't get comfortable in his new chair. He had just held a meeting with the Ruling Council and because his new chair was uncomfortable he had spent a large amount of the meeting pacing around the room. His Father would have disapproved.

More frustrating than the chair was his council. The Ruling Council was supposedly comprised of Britain's most distinguished citizens but since their first meeting, a year ago the distinguished citizens had fallen by the way and instead they had each sent a Functionary as a proxy. The Functionaries were well versed in law and commerce but the meetings left The Young Prefect with the nagging feeling that the matters of state were long decided and the Proxy Council were going through the motions.

He had remained in the council chamber sat on his chair determined that either it mould to him or he mould to it. However after ten minutes he decided the chair must go and was trying to think of a reason to throw it at someone. That's when after a short cacophony the council chamber's door flung open and the Petty Functionary scurried into the room.

‘My lord, The Quarry Master has arrived…’

Before The Petty Functionary had time to say anything further. A tall man entered the room flanked by a guard of legionnaires. The Young Prefect paid the Soldiers no heed assuming that the Quarry Master had been brought against will.

The Young Prefect’s temper began to rise as the Functionary had not followed his express instruction to deliberately keep appointments waiting in the antechamber. He deliberated throwing the chair at the Functionary but decided he might come off bratish in front if the Soldiers. He paced to the rooms window and took a deep breath of the city air. He counted to ten in his head and then he turned to the Quarry Master. ‘You have some explaining to do Quarry Master!’ he stared at him hard hoping the situation and his own rank might intimidate him.

The Quarry Master maintained eye contact and walked across the room, smiled and sat in the Young Prefect’s chair.

‘What do you mean by this!’ The Young Prefect spat. He turned to The Captain of the Guard . ‘Seize this man for his impudence! He turned back to The Quarry Master ‘I am a Prefect of Rome and I will not be humiliated!’

‘No.’ It was The Captain of the Guard.

The Young Prefect turned back toward him. ‘Sorry Captain?’

‘You have the situation wrong. It's you who's under arrest.’ The Captain of the Guard smiled.

The Young Prefect suddenly recognised the man he'd assumed to be The Captain of the Guard he was a Centurion he'd dismissed months ago. ‘You!’ he cried. ‘This is treason.’ He turned back to the Quarry Master ‘Who are you? Who sent you?’

The Quarry Master smiled. ‘That's the least of your problems.’ He turned to The Ex Centurion. ‘take him to the anti chamber and tie him. One day the people will Try him but for now we must take the palace.’

As the Young Prefect was escorted from the room he saw the Quarry Master turn to the Functionary. ‘Sit my friend. We need you to work for us. What is your price.’

‘It is treason man!’ The Young Prefect called. The Functionary quick as a flash grabbed the nearest chair and stomped across the room and broke it across The Young Prefect’s back. The Young Prefect screamed he'd never experienced such pain. He sobbed and the Soldiers laughed which somehow hurt him more.