Chapter 12 Orpheus

‘Your name is Orphius.’

Orphius awoke and was confronted by two things. The first was torch light flickering on the roof of what must be a tent. The second was immense pain all over his body but particularly his hands and back and especially his nose. His nose. He raised a hand to his face and tentatively explored. His face was bound with bandage.

‘Your nose has been sewn back on. We have been practicing for trauma wounds so I allowed Cook to fix you. Your back is just bruised but a couple of your fingers were broken. Now what's your name?’


‘Yes that's right. Now, what's my name?’

Orphius turned his head to see the man addressing him sat on a seat near to his bed. Although the man's face was only half lit by the flickering torch Orphius recognised him. He had thought of him as The Prisoner and had heard him referred to as The Shaman but Orphius didn't know his name. Orphius also knew that the man wasn't expecting his true name but one in context of his new name. ‘You’re Hades my lord.’

The Man laughed. ‘No, I'm not Hades but I can forgive you for thinking so; as I brought you back from the underworld! No, I'm Apollo God of knowledge and healing.’ Apollo leaned forward and became more stern. Orpheus could see something had changed behind the eyes of this man. Apollo whispered ‘I'm in need of a hero will you fight for me Orpheus?’

Without dropping a beat Orpheus replied ‘Gladly my lord.’

Apollo grinned a wide grin ‘Excellent!’ he stood up and made to leave. Then he bent over and moved his face close to Orpheus's again and whispered ‘I feel, I must warn you. My Wife... well her name is... Pandora.’ He smiled slowly, then winked, then stood up straight and strode from the room without looking back.

Orpheus considered his situation and decided that the man although mad was also clearly touched by the divine. ‘There’s worse fates than throwing you lot in with a god.’ He thought to himself before he lost consciousness again.

Say what! Two in one week its like I have my shit together or something...