My Blog Explained

'It's my intent to use this space to publish Short Stories, pieces I've started and general work in progress.  I suppose the idea behind this is to give you an idea of my writing and also for you to comment on it and let me know your thoughts. Please feel free to leave a comment below any Blog post about the Blog post. 

Use this space here to give me more general feedback.  I don't take criticism very well so don't be narked if I ignore you or delete your post. Yes your entitled to your opinion but your not entitled to piss on my chips.  If you think you can do a better job than me please do.  As an avid reader I was put off writing for years by thinking I could never dare compete with my favourite authors but then I had an epiphany I don't have to be as good as my favourite authors  I have just have to be slightly better than the authors I hate. 

Now I know that this all quite aggressive and I'm snarling like a cornered badger before you've had the chance even to read anything other than this. I suppose this stems partly from my own vulnerability  as I lay my conscience on the line and partly from my preconception that the internet is inhabited by trolls. 

Having said all this I really would like some feedback and I'm all for debate.